Anteraja, a Triputra's JV, is a nation-wide technology-based express logistic provider. Anteraja strives to be the best while upholding SATRIA values namely Sigap (Prompt), Aman (Secure), Terpercaya (Trustworthy), Ramah (Friendly), Berintegritas (Integrity), and Amanah (Entrust).
Kota Jakarta Selatan
Kuningan City, Lt. P6-P7, Jl. Dr. Satrio Kav 18, Jakarta Selatan
The planning, design, management, execution and reporting of tests, using appropriate testing tools and techniques and conforming to agreed process standards and industry specific regulations. Testing includes the process of engineering, using and maintaining test artefacts (test cases, test scripts, test reports, test plans, etc) to measure and improve the quality of the software being tested.
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