Game Developer
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT yang sedang berkembang di Kota Bandung. Perusahaan kami meyediakan paket kompensasi yang menarik, Gaji Pokok, Tunjangan dan Bonus.
Kota Bandung
Greko Creative Hub Lantai 1
Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani no 136
Bandung 40262
Minimal lulusan S-1 Informatika/Sistem Informasi.
Berumur 21-24 tahun untuk fresh graduate/ berumur 25-28 tahun untuk yang berpengalaman.
IPK minimal 2,75 dari skala 4.
Mampu bekerjasama di dalam tim.
* Excellent knowledge of Unity, including experience with scripting, textures, animation, GUI styles, and user session management
* Familiarity with level design and planning
* Experience with game physics and particle systems
* Experience with mobile and console game development
* Experience optimizing memory and space usage for support of older hardware
* Experience with 3D is a plus
* Ability to constantly learn and stay in touch with evolving game standards and development technologies
* Strong understanding of object-oriented programming
* Knack for writing clean, readable, and easily maintainable code
* Proficient knowledge of code versioning tools Git
Lowongan tidak menerima lamaran baru karena sudah melewati tanggal aktif.