Responsibilities * Develop new user-facing features * Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to back-end * Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
Diselenggarakan oleh: PT Gigaming Intermedia Solusindofulltime
Junior Front End
Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT yang sedang berkembang di Kota Bandung. Perusahaan kami meyediakan paket kompensasi yang menarik, Gaji Pokok,Tunjangan dan Bonus.
Kota Bandung
Greko Creative Hub Lantai 1
Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani no 136
Bandung 40262
* Develop new user-facing features
* Assure that all user input is validated before submitting to back-end
* Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
Minimal lulusan S-1 Informatika/Sistem Informasi
Berumur 21-24 tahun untuk fresh graduate/ berumur 25-28 tahun untuk yang berpengalaman
IPK minimal 2,75 dari skala 4
Mampu bekerjasama di dalam tim
Skills And Qualifications
* Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS3
* Proficient understanding of client-side scripting and JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery
* Basic knowledge of image authoring tools, to be able to crop, resize, or perform small adjustments on an image. Familiarity with tools such as as Gimp or Photoshop is a plus.
* Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as Git
Lowongan tidak menerima lamaran baru karena sudah melewati tanggal aktif.