Hi fellow students, curious about Google Developer Student Clubs? and want to know how to join and become part of GDSC Universitas Mikroskil?
good news has arrived! We invite you to join the upcoming "GDSC Universitas Mikroskil Info Session", where we will share about GDSC Universitas Mikroskil and all the opportunities that await you!
Date: Saturday, 28 October 2023
Time: 13:00 - 15:30: WIB
Venue: Mikroskil University Hall, Building C 5th Floor - Thamrin Street No. 112 Medan - 20212
Registration: s.id/gdscinfosession
Whatsapp Group: s.id/gdscinfosessionwag
Get free merchandise for limited participants!
At this event, we will understand how important the community is for developers, and get to know more about the Google Developer Student Clubs at Mikroskil University, which is a university-based developer community.
So what are you waiting for? register now and see you at the event.
*Registrasi wajib dilakukan pada dicoding event dan pada link berikut: s.id/gdscinfosession
Mikroskil University Hall, Building C 5th Floor - Thamrin Street No. 112 Medan - 20212
Kota Medan