Kotlin/Everywhere Jakarta

Kotlin/Everywhere Jakarta

Diselenggarakan oleh: Android VIP
Event Telah Selesai




Android VIP x Gojek proudly present: Kotlin/Everywhere Jakarta.

This is a series of community-led events, where you can learn the essentials and best practices of Kotlin in Android, Google Cloud Platform, and multi-platform development.

Kotlin is a modern and statically typed programming language targeting the JVM, Android, JavaScript & Native that will boost your productivity and increase your developer happiness.

This event will be held for 2 days, on the 1st day the participants can follow a series of tech-talk, and on the 2nd day the participants can attend several workshops guided by the expert. 

The workshop is only valid for participants who come on the first day and registration will be opened on the spot.

1st Day Schedule

09.00 - 09.30
09.30 - 09.40
Opening Speech by Rendra Toro, WOWBID
09.40 - 09.50
Welcoming by Yolanda, Gojek
09.50 - 10.35
Lambdas for Enabling Composition Based Customizability by Hadi Satrio, Gojek
10.35 - 11.20
Modularization with DSL Dependencies Injection (MVVM Architecture Pattern Based) by Muh Isfhani Ghiath, Tokopedia
11.20 - 12.05
Delightful Animation with Kotlin in Android by Randhika Yusuf, Gits Indonesia
12.05 - 13.00
13.00 - 13.45
Kotlin Native from Android Engineer Perspective by Divya Vikash, Gojek
13.45 - 14.30
Asynchronous and better concurrency in Kotlin by Javent, Bukalapak
14.30 - 15.15
Adventure of Kotlin for Web and Backend by Deny ‘Jasoet’ Prasetyo, Gojek
15.15 - 16.30
Fireside Chat with Sidiq Permana and All Speakers
16.30 - 17.30
Closing by Sidiq Permana

Join the Workshop at https://www.dicoding.com/events/2507

Pendaftaran Tutup
Jadwal Pelaksanaan
: 31 Aug 2019 09:00
: 31 Aug 2019 17:30

GoLearn, Gojek HQ.

Pasaraya Blok M, Building B 6th floor


Kota Jakarta Selatan