Dev Certification for Machine Learning with Tensorflow (DCML) Preparation
AI Machine Learning +2 lainnyaLevel: Kompetensi Sertifikasi
Siswa Terdaftar

AI Machine Learning +2 lainnyaLevel: Kompetensi Sertifikasi
Siswa Terdaftar
This course does not have graduation stages and certificates, you can only study in this course as long as your subscription or token is active. |
Dev Certification for Machine Learning with Tensorflow (DCML) is part of the dev.id certification or dev.cert which aims to test your skills and help you achieve your dream career with project-based certifications.
As a Dev Certified for Machine Learning, you are expected to be able to use TensorFlow to demonstrate the skills needed to work on machine learning and deep learning. This preparation course has been designed by Dicoding as a partner of dev.id so that you can prepare yourself thoroughly before taking the Dev Certification for Machine Learning with Tensorflow (DCML).
Peralatan Belajar
Spesifikasi minimal perangkat:
Intel i3 (Recommended: Core i5 or higher)
Tools yang dibutuhkan untuk belajar:
PyCharm IDE
Lihat semua peralatan belajar
Lihat semua peralatan belajarKelas ini membutuhkan spesifikasi perangkat seperti berikut:
4 GB or more
1366 x 768 (Rekomendasi Full HD 1920 x 1080)
Sistem Operasi
Windows, Linux, MacOS
Intel i3 (Recommended: Core i5 or higher)
Kelas ini membutuhkan beberapa tools berikut:
PyCharm IDE
Metode Ajar
Lihat semua metode ajar
Lihat semua metode ajarKontributor
1Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:
Mochamad Rafy Ardhanie
Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
1Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:
Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewer
Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewerKontributor kelas
Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:
Mochamad Rafy Ardhanie
Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Tim Reviewer
Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:
Mochamad Rafy Ardhanie
Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan.
Materi yang akan Anda pelajari pada kelas ini.
Explains how to take the Dev Certification for Machine Learning with TensorFlow (DCML) Preparation course.
Copyright Agreement
Worked on 5 machine learning projects with checklist skills: building and training Neural Network, Image Classification, NLP, Time Series and Prediction models.
Submission A
Worked on 5 machine learning projects with checklist skills: building and training Neural Network, Image Classification, NLP, Time Series and Prediction models. The type of dataset used is different from simulation 1.
Submission B
Worked on 5 machine learning projects with checklist skills: building and training Neural Network, Image Classification, NLP, Time Series and Prediction models. The type of dataset used is different from simulations 1 and 2.
Submission C