Menjadi Google Cloud Engineer
Web Cloud ComputingLevel: Menengah
Siswa Terdaftar
Web Cloud ComputingLevel: Menengah
Siswa Terdaftar
Kelas ini merupakan langkah ke-empat Anda untuk menjadi Google Cloud Professional.
Cloud computing merupakan hard skill yang banyak dibutuhkan oleh industri. Banyak organisasi yang telah memindahkan beban kerjanya ke cloud. Google Cloud memungkinkan Anda menjalankan aplikasi di infrastruktur yang sama dengan aplikasi populer dari Google, seperti Youtube dan Gmail. Google Cloud memiliki puluhan region dan ratusan zone yang tersebar di seluruh dunia. Google Cloud juga digunakan oleh perusahaan di banyak industri seperti GoJek, eBay, dan ANA.Â
Kelas ini merupakan langkah ke-empat Anda untuk menjadi Google Cloud Professional.
Peralatan Belajar
Spesifikasi minimal perangkat:
Intel Celeron (Rekomendasi Core i3 ke atas)
Tools yang dibutuhkan untuk belajar:
Web Browser (Google Chrome atau Mozilla Firefox)
Lihat semua peralatan belajar
Lihat semua peralatan belajarKelas ini membutuhkan spesifikasi perangkat seperti berikut:
2 GB (Rekomendasi 4 GB)
1366 x 768 (Rekomendasi Full HD 1920 x 1080)
Sistem Operasi
Windows, Linux, MacOS
Intel Celeron (Rekomendasi Core i3 ke atas)
Kelas ini membutuhkan beberapa tools berikut:
Web Browser (Google Chrome atau Mozilla Firefox)
Teks Editor (VSCode)
Command Line (Terminal atau cmd)
Kartu Debit/Kredit
Siswa wajib memiliki kartu debit/credit berlogo Visa/Mastercard sendiri, estimasi saldo yang dibutuhkan adalah $1 untuk verifikasi. Saat membuat akun, Anda akan mendapatkan GCP credit senilai $300 yang bisa digunakan untuk bereksperimen di GCP.
Metode Ajar
Lihat semua metode ajar
Lihat semua metode ajarKontributor
2Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:
Fikri Helmi Setiawan
Lead Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Ridha Ginanjar
Curriculum Developer and Technical Instructor at Dicoding Indonesia
19Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:
External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Adrianus Yoza A.
Data Scientist at Dicoding Indonesia
Agista Septiyanto
Product Engineer
Tim product
Alfian Yusuf Abdullah
Head of Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewer
Lihat semua kontributor dan reviewerKontributor kelas
Curriculum Developer yang membangun kelas ini:
Fikri Helmi Setiawan
Lead Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Ridha Ginanjar
Curriculum Developer and Technical Instructor at Dicoding Indonesia
Tim Reviewer
Code Reviewer yang akan me-review tugas dan kode Anda:
External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Adrianus Yoza A.
Data Scientist at Dicoding Indonesia
Agista Septiyanto
Product Engineer
Tim product
Alfian Yusuf Abdullah
Head of Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Fikri Helmi Setiawan
Lead Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Zanuar Ekaputra Rus'an
Product Engineer at Dicoding Indonesia
DevOps Enthusiast
I am a DevOps Engineer with 1 year of experience, along with 3 years of prior experience in IT Workspace. My skills include managing Linux Servers, CI/CD with GitLab and Jenkins, virtualization using Proxmox, container management with Docker and Kubernetes, and working with various cloud platforms, especially GCP.Â
Mohamad Zaelani
External Code Reviewer Dicoding
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.
• External Code Reviewer Dicoding
• Backend Developer
• TensorFlow Developer Certified
Yusuf Sugiono
Fullstack Developer di PT Prima Visi Globalindo
• Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer
• Google Cloud Certified Cloud Digital Leader
• AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
• Alumni Bangkit 2021 - Cloud Computing Learning Path
• Alumni SIB Dicoding Cycle 1 - Machine Learning & FrontEnd Learning Path
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn
Ahmad Zein Al Wafi
Machine Learning Architect
I am a Machine Learning Architect with extensive experience in designing and implementing machine learning solutions aimed at solving complex business challenges. Over the past three years, I have led a variety of technology projects, serving both as a Tech Lead and Solution Architect, with a focus on developing scalable, efficient systems leveraging machine learning.
My expertise spans across multiple domains, including predictive analytics, computer vision, and natural language processing, enabling the development of innovative, multidimensional solutions that deliver real-world impact. I am passionate about sharing knowledge and empowering teams to identify and solve problems using optimal, data-driven approaches.
I strongly believe that the right technology combined with active collaboration can create substantial value for any project or organization.
Yuda Adi Pratama
Presales Consultant at Devoteam Cloud Services
I'm a Presales Consultant with 3+ years of experience in the IT industry. Proven ability to translate technical concepts into business value, and to build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders. Expertise in Google product such as Google Maps Platform, Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace.
Passionate about helping businesses adopt cloud computing solutions to achieve their business goals. Proven track record of exceeding sales goals and delivering high-quality customer service. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Passion for learning and staying up-to-date on the latest technologies.
Raihan Romzi Rakhman
Hai, saya adalah mahasiswa Teknik Informatika dari Telkom University, salam kenal.
Sofyan Egi Lesmana
You can reach out me on my Linkedin.
Shiela Farah Diva
Network and Cloud Enthusiast /still learning/
Dicky Satriawan
Cloud Instructor and Trainer at Dicoding Indonesia
Ridha Ginanjar
Curriculum Developer and Technical Instructor at Dicoding Indonesia
External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Widyarso Joko Purnomo
Adrianus Yoza A.
Data Scientist at Dicoding Indonesia
Agista Septiyanto
Product Engineer
Tim product
Alfian Yusuf Abdullah
Head of Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Fikri Helmi Setiawan
Lead Curriculum Developer at Dicoding Indonesia
Zanuar Ekaputra Rus'an
Product Engineer at Dicoding Indonesia
DevOps Enthusiast
I am a DevOps Engineer with 1 year of experience, along with 3 years of prior experience in IT Workspace. My skills include managing Linux Servers, CI/CD with GitLab and Jenkins, virtualization using Proxmox, container management with Docker and Kubernetes, and working with various cloud platforms, especially GCP.Â
Muhammad Awaluddin
Cloud Consultant at PT. Inovasi Informatika Indonesia
Mohamad Zaelani
External Code Reviewer Dicoding
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.
• External Code Reviewer Dicoding
• Backend Developer
• TensorFlow Developer Certified
Yusuf Sugiono
Fullstack Developer di PT Prima Visi Globalindo
• Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer
• Google Cloud Certified Cloud Digital Leader
• AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
• Alumni Bangkit 2021 - Cloud Computing Learning Path
• Alumni SIB Dicoding Cycle 1 - Machine Learning & FrontEnd Learning Path
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn
Ahmad Zein Al Wafi
Machine Learning Architect
I am a Machine Learning Architect with extensive experience in designing and implementing machine learning solutions aimed at solving complex business challenges. Over the past three years, I have led a variety of technology projects, serving both as a Tech Lead and Solution Architect, with a focus on developing scalable, efficient systems leveraging machine learning.
My expertise spans across multiple domains, including predictive analytics, computer vision, and natural language processing, enabling the development of innovative, multidimensional solutions that deliver real-world impact. I am passionate about sharing knowledge and empowering teams to identify and solve problems using optimal, data-driven approaches.
I strongly believe that the right technology combined with active collaboration can create substantial value for any project or organization.
Yuda Adi Pratama
Presales Consultant at Devoteam Cloud Services
I'm a Presales Consultant with 3+ years of experience in the IT industry. Proven ability to translate technical concepts into business value, and to build and maintain relationships with key stakeholders. Expertise in Google product such as Google Maps Platform, Google Cloud Platform and Google Workspace.
Passionate about helping businesses adopt cloud computing solutions to achieve their business goals. Proven track record of exceeding sales goals and delivering high-quality customer service. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. Passion for learning and staying up-to-date on the latest technologies.
Alex Wijaya
External Code Reviewer at Dicoding Indonesia
Raihan Romzi Rakhman
Hai, saya adalah mahasiswa Teknik Informatika dari Telkom University, salam kenal.
Sofyan Egi Lesmana
You can reach out me on my Linkedin.
Shiela Farah Diva
Network and Cloud Enthusiast /still learning/
Dicky Satriawan
Cloud Instructor and Trainer at Dicoding Indonesia
Ribuan siswa sukses belajar di Dicoding Academy. Apa kata mereka? Berikut adalah testimoni asli mereka.
Berikut adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan.
Materi yang akan Anda pelajari pada kelas ini.
Memahami HAKI, mekanisme belajar, forum diskusi, glosarium, dan daftar referensi.
2 Menit
10 Menit
10 Menit
10 Menit
Forum Diskusi
20 Menit
10 Menit
Daftar Referensi
5 Menit
Mempelajari konsep cloud computing dan menyiapkan lingkungan untuk memulai pengembangan aplikasi di Google Cloud.
Pengenalan Cloud Computing
20 Menit
Sejarah Cloud Computing
10 Menit
Cara Kerja Google Cloud
15 Menit
Free Tier dan Free Trial
10 Menit
Latihan Mendaftar Free Trial di Google Cloud
15 Menit
Berinteraksi dengan Google Cloud
15 Menit
Latihan Membuat Project di Google Cloud dengan Cloud Shell
10 Menit
Latihan Menghubungkan Project dengan Cloud Billing Account
15 Menit
Latihan Membuat Budget Alerts
10 Menit
Google Cloud Pricing Calculator
15 Menit
Rangkuman Pengenalan Google Cloud
10 Menit
Kuis Pengenalan Google Cloud
10 Menit
Mempelajari berbagai layanan komputasi di Google Cloud dan memahami cara deploy sebuah aplikasi berbasis web.
Pengantar ke Layanan Komputasi di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Compute Engine
30 Menit
Latihan Membuat Compute Engine Instance dengan Cloud Shell
20 Menit
Latihan Membuat Compute Engine Instance dengan Google Cloud Console
30 Menit
Google Kubernetes Engine
45 Menit
Cloud Run
30 Menit
Latihan Deploy Fullstack App Menggunakan Cloud Run
40 Menit
App Engine
15 Menit
Latihan Deploy Aplikasi Node.js Menggunakan App Engine
50 Menit
Cloud Functions
30 Menit
Latihan Implementasi OCR dengan Cloud Functions
40 Menit
Rangkuman Layanan Komputasi di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Kuis Layanan Komputasi di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Mempelajari beberapa layanan yang terkait dengan pengelolaan data di Google Cloud.
Pengantar ke Layanan Data di Google Cloud
15 Menit
Cloud Storage
40 Menit
Latihan Berinteraksi dengan Cloud Storage Menggunakan Cloud Shell
20 Menit
Latihan Berinteraksi dengan Cloud Storage Menggunakan Google Cloud Console
30 Menit
Persistent Disk
20 Menit
Cloud SQL
20 Menit
Latihan Membuat Cloud SQL Instance
15 Menit
Latihan Terhubung ke Cloud SQL Instance dengan Cloud Shell
15 Menit
Cloud Spanner
25 Menit
40 Menit
Cloud Bigtable
20 Menit
20 Menit
30 Menit
10 Menit
20 Menit
Rangkuman Layanan Data di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Kuis Layanan Data di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Menguji pemahaman peserta dalam membuat web server sekaligus hosting aplikasi profil dengan menggunakan Google Compute Engine atau Google App Engine.
Proyek Deploy Aplikasi Profile
330 Menit
Mempelajari berbagai layanan jaringan di Google Cloud yang memungkinkan banyak layanan saling berkomunikasi.
Pengantar ke Layanan Jaringan di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Virtual Private Cloud
25 Menit
Cloud DNS
15 Menit
Cloud VPN
15 Menit
Cloud Load Balancing
20 Menit
Latihan Deploy Aplikasi dengan Global External HTTP(S) Load Balancing
30 Menit
Cloud CDN
10 Menit
Rangkuman Layanan Jaringan di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Kuis Layanan Jaringan di Google Cloud
10 Menit
Mempelajari penggunaan Google Cloud's operations suite untuk memantau kondisi aplikasi dan menerima laporan ketika terjadi kegagalan.
Google Cloud's Operations Suite
10 Menit
Cloud Monitoring
15 Menit
Latihan Memantau Aplikasi Menggunakan Cloud Monitoring
40 Menit
Cloud Logging
25 Menit
Latihan Melihat Log Menggunakan Cloud Logging
10 Menit
Error Reporting
15 Menit
Cloud Trace
25 Menit
Cloud Profiler
40 Menit
Rangkuman Monitoring dan Logging
10 Menit
Kuis Monitoring dan Logging
10 Menit
Mempelajari manajemen identitas dan akses di Google Cloud dalam pengembangan solusi cloud.
Resource Hierarchy
15 Menit
Cloud IAM
25 Menit
Komponen Cloud IAM: Principal
15 Menit
Komponen Cloud IAM: Role
10 Menit
Komponen Cloud IAM: Policy
18 Menit
Latihan Mengimplementasikan Cloud IAM Role
50 Menit
Rangkuman Manajemen Identitas dan Akses
10 Menit
Kuis Manajemen Identitas dan Akses
10 Menit
Mempelajari penggunaan Google Cloud Marketplace untuk pengembangan solusi cloud serta mengetahui praktik terbaik dalam mengimplementasikan solusi cloud.
Pengantar ke Deploy dan Implementasi Solusi Cloud
10 Menit
Deploy Solusi Cloud dengan Google Cloud Marketplace
45 Menit
Praktik Terbaik untuk Implementasi Solusi Cloud
45 Menit
Rangkuman Deploy dan Implementasi Solusi Cloud
10 Menit
Kuis Deploy dan Implementasi Solusi Cloud
10 Menit
Ujian akhir yang harus ditempuh untuk lulus dari kelas ini.
Rangkuman Kelas
60 Menit
Ujian Akhir
120 Menit
Proyek akhir yang harus diselesaikan untuk lulus dari kelas ini.
Proyek Money Tracker App
450 Menit